Sunday, December 05, 2010

4 things

Can I still write some silly things in between, even if the Christmas calendar is going on? I guess so, it's my own blog.
I copied this list from Orangutant but I'll do it in English, just for the practice.

4 TV-shows I'm watching
Top Chef
The Office
Peep show
The Fashion Show 2

4 things I've done today
Watched a drunk girl almost stumble over an old woman
Made a chicken soup for the first time in my life (it even was ok)
Held my hand over a shivering body
Learned about an old greek folk music style, rebetiko

4 things I long for
A bigger apartment
Trying a concertina
The morning

4 things on my wishing list
A lifelong supply of Daim
A lifelong supply of Mexican food
A lifelong supply of a changing subject every year
A concertina

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